Opinion: Why the need for another India-based political party, Ramasamy?

Letter to Editor

FORMER Penang deputy chief minister Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy has been actively promoting his political party recently.

When he was planning to form his party, I remember writing to him urging him not to form a party simply because it cannot do much.

Why is there a need for another ethnic Indian-focused political party in the country? We already have four prominent parties struggling to serve the people meaningfully because the Indians have lost their faith in them.

To my knowledge, about five more political parties have been registered but are unable to prove their worth. In fact, some of them have not even gotten off their feet!

Ramasamy may imagine that he is different but I think that thought, if it is true, is a fallacy. All the charm he has had already disappeared because of his own doing.

However, it cannot be denied that he still has some strength and attraction as he was a prominent political leader and still has the vigour and conviction to take action.

That being said, I would like to suggest that he make his exciting new organisation – the United for the Rights of Malaysians Party, or Urimai, which is Tamil for “rights” – a non-governmental organisation (NGO).

Here he can be of help to the community, and his experience, his socio-political background and thus, his acquired wisdom can assist him in helping our community.

If he is unable to do so, he must just speak for the community and travel through the nation to help the downtrodden Indians.

He must well know from his time before joining politics up to this day after he has left the political powerhouse (that is DAP) that he could not change the Indian status as he had dreamed of doing.

I have listened to enough of his early political utterances to say this with conviction.

Then why a new party, sir? – Jan 18, 2024


Masilamani Ramasamy
Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

Main pic credit: NST

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