Pak Lah expected to vote in Penang state polls if health permits

FORMER premier Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (affectionately known as Pak Lah) is expected to make a return to his hometown in Penang to cast his vote in the Bertam seat in the upcoming state polls on Aug 12.

This decision was confirmed by Barisan Nasional candidate Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, according to news portal The Star.

“This will depend on his health. God-willing he will cast his vote together with his wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah. I will also check with Tun Jeanne if Pak Lah’s health allows him to cast his vote. I am sure he will not miss it,” said Reezal Merican.

Pak Lah has been a prominent figure in Malaysian politics, serving as the nation’s fifth Prime Minister from 2003 to 2009. He holds deep connections to the Bertam state seat, as he previously represented it as its MP from 1978 to 2013.

Given his history with the constituency, it is understandable that he would want to exercise his democratic right and partake in the electoral process.

Moreover, joining Pak Lah in the act of civic duty is another distinguished individual, former Penang governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas. The presence of these respected figures adds significance to the electoral event in Bertam.

Reezal Merican expressed confidence that both Pak Lah and Abdul Rahman, along with other notable figures will participate in the voting process, citing the “normal convention” observed in previous elections.

However, there is a cloud of concern regarding Pak Lah’s health. His son-in-law who is also the former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin had disclosed earlier on Sept 11, 2022, that the esteemed statesman was grappling with dementia.

This revelation has heightened public awareness of Pak Lah’s health, making his potential return to cast his vote a matter of not just political significance but also one of personal well-being.

The anticipation surrounding Pak Lah’s possible presence during the polling day is a testament to the respect and admiration he commands as a seasoned politician and leader. His return to Bertam would not only underline the importance of the democratic process but also serve as a poignant reminder of his past contributions to Malaysian politics.

As the date of the Penang state polls approaches, the nation will be closely watching to see if Pak Lah will be able to make the journey back to Bertam and actively participate in shaping the future of the state he once represented with dedication and devotion. – Aug 2, 2023


Main photo credit: The Edge Market

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