PAS Sarawak leader claims DAP is actively attempting to unseat GPS in Sarawak

PAS Sarawak has cautioned Sarawakians against DAP’s ambition which tried to control 75% of the seats in Sarawak in the previous state election, thus potentially exerting pressure and challenging the political dominance of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) at a time when the duo are allies in the unity government.

This, according to the state’s Islamist party communication secretary Mohammad Arifiriazul Paijo, is very unlike UMNO which decided not to contest in Sarawak because the Barisan Nasional (BN) ‘big brother’ knows that GPS is sensitive to the involvement of parties from Peninsular Malaysia in Sarawak,

“That’s why many development projects in Sarawak were cancelled during the previous 22 months,” Arifiriazul penned in post on PAS Sarawak’s Facebook page. “(DAP chairman) Lim Guan Eng himself once mentioned that Sarawak will go bankrupt if GPS continues to rule.”

Even though both GPS and DAP are together in the Madani government, Arifiriazul said he is clueless as to what is DAP’s grudge against GPS till it (DAP) continue to have no respect for the Sarawakian political alliance.

“Could it be that DAP’s position as the only opposition in the Sarawak state government has challenged its own ego? This is understandable as they (DAP) are the big brother in the Madani government,” asserted the Sarawak PAS leader.

Mohammad Arifiriazul Paijo

As such, there have been numerous instances of Sarawak DAP MP mocking GPS in the Dewan Rakyat that “fortunately GPS is not the real king maker during the 15th General Election (GE15) even if all the seats won by Perikatan Nasional (PN) are added together” or that GPS was only prepared to join the unity government upon Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim obtaining the majority support.

“DAP needs to realise that GPS supports Anwar as PM instead of supporting PH let alone DAP. So don’t be arrogant by playing with fire,” warned Arifiriazul.

“The 23 GPS MPs and the GPS leadership play an important role in the current unstable Federal Government. With political enemy DAP being relentlessly jealous of GPS and trying to seize Sarawak from GPS, it would be more appropriate if GPS cooperate with PN who is also DAP’s political enemy.”

Added Arifiriazul who contested for the Beting Maro state constituency under the PAS banner in the December 2021 Sarawak state election: “Good will certainly be obtained either at the Federal level or at the state level (from the PN-GPS alliance).

“When people say the Madani government is shaky, believe me it is because of the inconsistency of the component parties within the unity government itself. Each of them has their own personal agenda. So, no need to point fingers all the way to Dubai.” – Jan 18, 2024

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