“Reopen Altantuya murder probe in light of new Najib-Rosmah implication”

A VIDEO interview with businessman Deepak Jaikishan on Jom Channel is going viral. To say the least, his claims stink to high heaven.

Narrating in great detail, Deepak claimed that the order to kill Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu reportedly implicates imprisoned former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the murder.

The National Patriots Association (PATRIOT) views this very seriously and it warrants a reopening of the case for reinvestigation and probably even a retrial.

If one were to recall, the allegation that Najib and Rosmah were connected to the murder of Altantuya was a widely shared view among Malaysians. However, Najib insisted that he does not know Altantuya and neither has he met her, as accused.

In fact, the couple, Najib and Rosmah, were not named as witnesses in the trial.

In the media interview on Jom Channel, however, Deepak claimed he was at Najib’s house at Jalan Langgak Duta when the order to eliminate Altantuya was allegedly given by Najib at Rosmah’s insistence.

Deepak described in explicit detail the sequence leading to the orders being made, which were not presented by the prosecution during the trial in 2009.

The question on everyone’s lips is: was there a deliberate attempt by both the defence and prosecution to stop Deepak from spilling out all he knew of the murder?

One would recall that at the time of the breaking news of the Altantuya murder and subsequent trial, Najib was the all-powerful deputy prime minister.

From left: Deepak Jaikishan, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (Photo credit: Free Malaysia Today)

This is why the marketplace was rife at the time with speculation that he may have had a part in influencing the court’s final decision, resulting in then-chief inspector Azilah Hadri and corporal Sirul Azhar ultimately being found guilty of murdering Altantuya.

Both Azilah and Sirul were highly trained Unit Tindakan Khas (Special Action Unit) police officers who took orders to the letter.

No surprise

Hence, it is also no surprise that there was a consensus among members of the security forces that both Azilah and Sirul – by the nature of their very training and discipline – would not have murdered Altantuya without specific orders from someone of authority.

It would also be impossible for Azilah and Sirul to have, on their own accord, used high-grade explosives (C4) to blast away Altantuya.

Concerned citizens to this day believe that this ghastly, inhuman crime, unprecedented even in war times, could not have happened unless the marching order came from higher-ups.

These serious questions that remained unanswered raised reasonable doubts.

Now with Deepak’s spilling of the beans in the open, PATRIOT fears that both Azilah and Sirul may not have been given a fair trial. Hence, committing them to a death sentence is tantamount to a gross miscarriage of justice.

Surprisingly too, although Deepak’s video interview with Jom Channel has gone viral over the last few days, no media has reported on the video and Deepak’s claims.

Likewise, PATRIOT has yet to hear from any of the politicians or those vested with the powers to investigate.

PATRIOT cannot blame the public for speculating further that indeed there must have been a deliberate attempt by someone or some authority to silence Deepak’s confession and from bearing witness during the height of the trial.

This involves the murder of an innocent Mongolian lady who was said to be pregnant – a lone foreign citizen who came here to merely ask that she be paid for her services in the purchase of the Royal Malaysian Navy’s French-built submarine.

She could have lived to this day if it was not for greed on the part of her business partner(s) who denied her the commission she rightfully deserved.

PATRIOT believes that for as long as this murder case remains unresolved and the circumstances knitting the trial remain questionable, blood is on the hands of those who may have escaped the full brunt of the law.

Therefore, PATRIOT demands that the expose by Deepak be investigated and widely reported without fear or favour. – Oct 16, 2022


Rtd Brig-Jen Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji is president of the National Patriots Association (PATRIOT), a group that represents Malaysia’s military and police veterans.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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