Robert Phang: Onus on Spanco shareholders to lay to rest alleged fleet management scandal

THERE are many unanswered questions regarding how the government had awarded a contract to Spanco Sdn Bhd which prides itself as the provider of professional fleet management services to the federal government, ministries and agencies nationwide with a fleet size of over 13,000 units of concession vehicles.

As such, it imperative for the unity government to find out how the tender for the government vehicle supply, repair and maintenance project (fleet Project) was awarded to Spanco, according to prominent social activist, crime fighter and philanthropist Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin (main pic, inset).

The former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory member said the main priority should be for those responsible in awarding the contract to explain to the public what was their rational in extending the contract to Spanco.

“The public has the right to know and the issue cannot be swept under the carpet. It is the taxpayers’ money that is being used,” he told FocusM.

“Those responsible cannot simply shrug their shoulders and ignore their responsibility. No matter who was in-charge of awarding the contract to Spanco he must stand up and take responsibility.”

Pointing out that Spanco had been managing the government fleet project for 25 years, the 84-year-old Phang further questioned as to why only Spanco was given the project.

On Jan 20, MACC conducted a raid at the residence of a businessman holding the title Tan Sri as part of an investigation into corruption allegations related to the procurement and management of the government’s fleet of vehicles valued at RM4.5 bil.

The concession for the supply and management of government vehicles has been held by Spanco since 1993. However, an open tender was initiated after the contract expired in 2019.

Berjaya Group and Naza Sdn Bhd later formed a consortium and secured the contract through a letter of intent (LOI) in the same year.

In July last year however, Berjaya Group founder Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun filed a lawsuit against the Finance Ministry and Spanco regarding the terminated LOI, claiming that the contract was awarded to Spanco despite their higher bid.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had recently recalled that he had consistently voiced concerns about this issue during his tenure as finance minister under the administration of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said he had recognised irregularities in that contract which proved detrimental to the country and disadvantaged civil servants.

Phang who is also Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation exco member went on to question as to why during the administration of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin the LOI was cancelled and Spanco was awarded the fleet management contract.

As such, he argued that it is also imperative for Spanco shareholders to explain to the public how they manage to secure the contract after they had initially failed to get it.

“Spanco shareholders have to realise that remaining silent about the matter is not an option given the money they are being paid for the government fleet management is public money,” added the chairman of NGO Social Care Foundation. – Feb 20, 2024

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