Saifuddin: Recent police station attacks, Istana Negara trespass attempt, death threats unrelated

HOME Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail confirmed today that the recent violent incidents at the Ulu Tiram and Dato Keramat police stations, the failed trespass attempt at Istana Negara, and the death threats received by Seputeh MP Teresa Kok are not interconnected.

In a press conference, Saifuddin clarified that investigations reveal no coordination among these events. He detailed that the man who attacked a policeman and seized his submachine gun at the Dato Keramat police station in Penang was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident.

“He was under the influence of alcohol and we have also charged him. Meanwhile, the man who attacked Ulu Tiram police station in Johor Bahru acted as a lone wolf,” he said.

Regarding the trespass attempt at Istana Negara, Saifuddin explained that the two men involved were driven by a desire to meet the King of Malaysia Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.

“They ‘dreamed’ of having an audience with the King,” he added.

Further elaborating on the Ulu Tiram incident, where two policemen were killed and another injured, Saifuddin mentioned that the attacker’s family remains in custody.

“After further investigation from the police, we found that the family does not mix with anyone within the community. The family members believe they are the only true Muslims and the rest are kafir, hence they don’t mix with other people,” he further added.

Initially, authorities suspected the Ulu Tiram attacker to be linked to Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

However, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain later confirmed no connections to the Southeast Asian extremist group.

On the same day as the Ulu Tiram attack, police apprehended two men attempting to trespass into Istana Negara, discovering a machete in their vehicle.

The following day, the Seputeh MP received a death threat accompanied by two bullets, prompting an investigation under Section 507 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation by anonymous communication.

Furthermore, police arrested a 35-year-old local man for attempting to attack an officer and seize his submachine gun at the Dato Keramat police station in Penang. The man was reportedly intoxicated during the incident.

Saifuddin assured the public that these incidents, while alarming, have been confirmed to be isolated actions with no broader coordination. – May 23, 2024

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