Sanusi named Anwar, Rafizi and Saifuddin as ‘3 most devious’ PKR members

CARETAKER Kedah menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has hit out at PKR by urging pious, good and honest people to refrain from joining the key component party of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition.

Claiming that the party “is swamped with fraudsters, liars, slanderers, perjurers, deceivers and formula makers”, the PAS election director cautioned that these people are currently roaming around Kedah “to divert the attention of Kedahans so as to make them change their (political) stance”.

Specifically, HarakahDaily quoted him as pointing to PKR president and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the party’s deputy president and Home Minister Rafizi Ramli as well as PKR’s secretary-general and Home Minister Senator Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail as the top three devious PKR leaders.

According to Sanusi, Saifuddin and Rafizi themselves have publicly presented their plans that touch on the methods of “assassinating the political characters of others”.

“The (caretaker) Kedah MB even said that they simply want to pursue power whereby when they have secured it, they will start to control the people’s lives according to their whim and fancy,” the PAS mouthpiece cited Sanusi as saying.

“The irony is that when they started helming of the Federal government, no promises have been fulfilled nor efforts made to improve people’s lives compared to the achievements that have taken place in this state (Kedah).”

The PAS warlord further recalled their so-called “evil political attitude” against a fellow comrade of their own party, namely former Selangor menteri besar, the late Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

This is despite Khalid being an individual who had made many contributions to the country, including having led the London Guthrie Dawn Raid Operation to take over Guthrie from a British company.

But eventually, Sanusi claimed that their defamation through a 91-page document caused Khalid to be fired from PKR and eventually lost his MB position while the case was brought to court.

But the end of the day, the court, according to Sanusi, ruled that the entire court case was defamatory which led to them having to apologise to Khalid but unfortunately, “they have yet to repent and still carry out such dirty politics till this day”.

“I wish to convey the danger of this faction in the Malaysian politics as they are willing to do anything – whether slander, fabricate, spread, repeat – it doesn’t matter what as long as they achieve their goal. And now, they are working hard achieve that goal in Kedah,” warned Sanusi.

“This is as if to smear charcoal on our face by making up stories that don’t exist. And by doing so repeatedly.” – July 23, 2023

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