Sheer number of speed breakers along Jalan Matang Pagar in Sungai Buloh causing congestion and traffic jams

Letter to Editor

THE Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) needs to remove most of the speed bumps on Jalan Matang Pagar in Sungai Buloh all the way from Jalan Hospital to the railway bridge in Kuang.

These road humps have become a nuisance and are causing severe congestion and traffic jams on this road.

What right has the MPS got to install so many speed bumps on a main road leading to various residential areas and kampungs including Bukit Rahman Putra and also areas far beyond such as Kuang as well as the Latar highway?

This is a main road and one expects reasonable speed for traffic using this road and not being restricted by speed bumps in the name of preventing accidents.

Speed bumps should not be built along the main road just because of the roadside traders and businesses. Due to the proximity of one bump being close to another, traffic movement is very much restricted not to mention creating accident-prone conditions.

Quite a lot of residents have left the large housing estates due to this major problem of being late for work. The problem has been around for some time and the MPS has turned a blind eye to the obvious need to remove the bumps as well as widen the road.

Over the past two decades numerous housing estates and gated communities as well as major firms have established themselves in this surrounding area. This has led to an increase in the population and volume of traffic during peak hours.

MPS has to build a proper road and not just widen the road here and there in a piecemeal fashion. Due to the severe congestion many tenants and residents have moved out and more houses could become vacant if nothing is done to solve the traffic problems.

It is hoped that the State Assemblyman for Paya Jaras, Ab Halim Tamuri, and Sungai Buloh MP Datuk Seri R. Ramanan as well as the local councillor for MPS Zone 20 would urgently look into this matter and help the long-suffering residents and road-users. – Dec 12, 2024


Annie Joseph
Sungai Buloh, Selangor

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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