Siti Kasim criticises diesel subsidy plan for excluding vehicles over 10 years old

LAWYER and activist Siti Kasim, who is also not too favourable to the unity government’s policies, has again criticised the authorities for excluding vehicles that are more than 10 years old from the targeted subsidy plan.

She called the decision ‘stupid’, arguing that older vehicle owners are those in need of assistance.

“Another stupid and insensitive decision by the government. Giving subsidies only to vehicles under 10 years old.

“Vehicle owners who own vehicles older than 10 years old are the ones who can’t afford a new car and are in real need of assistance,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

She posted a screenshot of a news article that explained which category of vehicle owners are eligible to obtain the RM200 direct payout to the user’s  diesel subsidy.

“To qualify for Budi Individual, applicants must be Malaysian citizens, own a non-luxury diesel vehicle under 10 years old, have an active road tax, have an annual income of RM100,000 or below, and pass a background check by the Inland Revenue Board,” the article stated.

However, some Facebook users are saying there are no such limits, as they applied for their 12-year-old vehicle.

A user said: – June 22, 2024

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