A CHINESE bamboo archery proprietor finds himself under intense boycott threat from Malay/Muslim customers after an impromptu one-word “Boikot” comment on likelihood of an upside-down Ramly burger logo could have violated the Allah inscription code backfired on him.
Muslims customers swamped the “Bamboo Archery – Malaysia” Facebook page demanding for a boycott of its products even though its owner Ronald Chong Kok Hoong has explained in detail that he had wanted to delete his comment on second thought but was unable to do so given the poster has since disabled his comment section.
A few netizens even told Ronald to mind his own religion and not top resort to apologising after finding himself cornered.
One netizen told Ronald in plain English that “we never disrespect your belief nor making fun of it”, hence he is expected to reciprocate such goodwill gesture.
Whether it is intentional or otherwise, one netizen suggested that Ronald seeks advice from the relevant authorities to appease his curiosity rather than to promptly post his view on social media which could trigger misperception of his intention as the matter concerns race and religion.
Whatever the case is, this thread explains how the entire issue got off the ground and if whether Ronald has undermined the sensitivities of the Muslim community.
As the damage has already been done – and forgiveness is hard to come by these days – one netizen has a good advice for Ronald and other non-Muslim businessmen. – April 12, 2024