Step-by-step tips on what to do when your vehicle is hit from behind

SO what does a driver do when experiencing such unwanted “contact”. X (formerly Twitter) user zafran (@zafranmustafa) kindly shared some useful tips on what to do next.

He starts with a simple advisory – ‘don’t panic’.  He also advised motorists to find a safe spot to review the damage and not cause unnecessary traffic jams.

The poster warned against motorists alighting from vehicles with anything that can be construed as a weapon to avoid being accused of criminal intimidation. He said the most pertinent item the driver should have is a phone camera to take pictures of the damage and details of the other vehicle.

Although difficult, he did say that it would be best to keep tempers in check when dealing with the other motorist. Avoid spewing profanities, as this is unlikely to be helpful.

The poster advised getting the contact details of the other driver.

He went on to say that there was no need to demand immediate financial compensation should the other party admit being at fault. Instead, drive to a workshop, preferably one that the vehicle owner is familiar with, to get an estimate for the repairs and get the other driver to agree to pay for them.

There was no need to panic if the other driver did not admit responsibility. Do not resort to violence or let your anger get the better of you.

In such instances, the motorist is advised to make a police report and do the necessary search with JPJ (Road Transport Department) to ascertain the vehicle owner’s identity and the insurance company for the other vehicle. Make a claim with that insurance company and have the repairs done at the insurance company’s panel workshop.

He also advised motorists to install dash cams from front and rear, stating this was a very useful tool for drivers in such scenarios.

The above tips will prove useful given that such incidents are a common occurrence on Malaysian roads.

Most pertinently, it would be great if Malaysians involved in minor fender benders realised that they do not have the right to stall traffic by carrying out inspections, negotiations and arguments at the actual scene of the accident.

That, in itself, would be a giant leap for Malaysian motorists.

In the meantime, FocusM  wishes everybody safe motoring. – July 19, 2024



Main photo credit: @zafranmustafa

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