Syed Saddiq plans 200km run from Muar to Parliament to protest Opposition’s funding disparity

MUAR MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has announced that he is planning to run from his constituency to Parliament as a sign of protest over funding disparities for Opposition lawmakers.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), the former Muda president said the run is also to raise funds under his “Langkah Muar” initiative which aims to raise funds for his constituency’s community service centres.

“Opposition lawmakers have not received any allocation for their respective constituencies for more than a year now. While Government MPs receive RM20 mil each term, Opposition gets nothing,” he said in a video posted on the social media platform.

“The government told us to negotiate. I have met the Deputy Prime Minister twice and sent three letters but there has been no progress.

“I cannot give up. Instead of complaining, it’s better for me to take action. Previously I sacrificed my hair for the Botak Challenge fundraiser campaign for Muar, sacrificed my time conducting ThunderBOLD classes, sacrificed my hands to cook and sell lasagna and even became a model for a kurta brand.

“Now I am using my legs for Langkah Muar where I will run 200km from Muar to Parliament to raise funds for Muar and as a form of protest to the government who discriminates against Opposition MPs.”

On April 25, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said a memorandum of understanding draft would be provided to the Opposition so they could determine if there is a need for further discussion, adding that the draft would be completed as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had previously mentioned that allocations for opposition MPs would be channelled if they were willing to negotiate. – June 27, 2024


Main pic credit: Bernama

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