Tips to maximise air-con efficiency

THE current heatwave Malaysians are experiencing is having quite an impact on energy bills, especially those living in high-rise buildings.

While a suite in the sky may offer spectacular vistas, such unobstructed views often mean direct sunlight into the living spaces. The air-conditioners are utilised more and for longer hours.

With the recent hike in tariffs, many are seeing quite a hike in their energy bills, with many enquiries online on how to cut costs without turning off the AC units. Here are some useful tips.

Change the air filter every six months

Air filters are the first line of defence against dust and dirt in your home. They can trap up to 90% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, but they need to be changed regularly for optimal performance.

Replacing a clogged air filter with a new one can lower the air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5–15%.

Use smart thermostat or AC controllers

Using a smart thermostat or AC controller can help you save on your energy bills. A thermostat is an electronic device that controls the temperature in a building.

These days, many thermostats are connected to the internet and have features such as remote access, scheduling, and geo-fencing.

Use right-size AC for room size

To keep your energy bills down, you need to ensure that the AC unit is not too big for the room. Use a room calculator that will help you determine what size of AC would be best for your space.

If you have multiple rooms, it could be beneficial to consider buying multiple smaller units instead of one large unit. This will allow you to use more efficient models and lower your overall electricity costs.

Looking for a new home in the sky to implement the cost-saving tips above? Check out – April 8, 2024

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