“Voters can emerge victorious in Johor polls!”

POLITICIANS may think they are clever but we, the rakyat, have an opportunity to show who the smarter ones are.

We have heard different analysis thrown around about the Johor state election: from it being a ploy of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), which feels it has sufficient support to flex its political muscles, to the “court cluster” wheeling out of serving jail terms.

Maybe the above are true but the pertinent question to ask is how we, the rakyat, would respond to this ongoing charade?

Are we going to keep quiet or worse, believe that politics is way beyond ourselves and just let whatever happens, happen?

Or could we vote out the greedy and the corrupt to show that power remains, as it rightfully should, with the people?

We have 700,000 new voters and 30% of Johor’s 2.4 million voters are under 21.

The young people, whose futures are in a limbo due to political instability and a sliding economy, can and should ensure this election is a litmus test for politicians who think they can continue to do a “wayang kulit” on the voters.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s Barisan Nasional is confident of expanding its hold on power and reducing Bersatu’s 11 seats, following a commendable showing in Melaka and Sarawak.

Where, in UMNO’s maneuvering for power, are concerns of the rakyat who are suffering from COVID-19 consequences?

Would candidates, who are to nominated this weekend, explore durable solutions to unemployment, loss of income and business, increasing suicide rates brought about by poverty, resolving the state’s water crisis and inability to put food on the table, for example?

Well, if they won’t, then the voters should make them do so. It’s our time to ask questions, demand answers, hold politicians accountable and show them we cannot be taken for granted.

Together, we can ensure that the Johor election isn’t a drumbeat to the death of democracy, rule of law, transparency and good governance and certainly isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card for anyone either. – Feb 25, 2022


Charles Santiago is the MP for Klang.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia. 

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