CLASH of cultures highlights different sets of values that is not only threatening to further split apart Malaysian society but also tarnish the perception of the country among foreigners.
The recent incident involves a Chinese international student at Universiti Malaya (UM) who is threatened with possible expulsion. His heinous crime?
For wearing shorts to the UM library in contravention of UM’s recently implemented dress code. It was stated that the security personnel at the library confiscated the student’s ID (identity card) and threatened to report the matter to the faculty.
It was reported they were rude, aggressive and heavy handed in dealing with the matter.
But student body, the University of Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY) came to the Chinese student’s defence by issuing a strongly worded statement by believing that while there is a clear contravention of the rules, the focus should be the aggressive behaviour of security personnel.
The statement pointed out: “This reflects how the conservative and authoritarian nature of UM’s dress code is wholly inconsistent with the quality expected from Malaysia‘s premier institution.
“UMANY believes that the real issue is the dress code gives staff too much authority to interpret and enforce rules regarding what constitutes inappropriate attire.
“UMANY will not abandon our commitment to uphold diversity as only a diverse environment can ensure that all students are respected on this campus. If we begin to relinquish our multi-cultural values, those in power will impose even greater oppression on our future selves.”
Herein lies the crux of the issue – multi-culturalism vs conservative dogma.
For many, wearing shorts is no big deal. But for others, it is a ‘huge sin’.
This issue has reared its head before with over-zealous security enforcing dress codes as if the world revolved around it in hospitals and civil departments.
There have been many instances of common decent folk dressed very appropriately but are stopped from entering public buildings by these enforcers of morality whether it be a hemline too high or blouse deemed too see-through.
Make no mistake, this isn’t about wearing shorts or revealing clothing. It is the battle ground for the exertion of one’s cultural values on another.
The powers-that-be are conveniently hiding behind purported rules and dress codes. It is nothing more than the imposition of values that reek of one-sided cultural values. – Nov 6, 2024