THE narrative told to Malays by other Malays paints the Chinese as being people whose only concern is money. Their God is money. Money is everything to them.
Every waking hour they have is spent in the pursuit of money. They wish each other happiness and prosperity; in fact, one of the blessings in the Chinese culture refers to wealth. This preoccupation with wealth and prosperity is all about making money. Isn’t that so?
But I have yet to meet a greedy Chinese.
For sure, there are greedy Chinese around – but I have yet to meet one. The Chinese work hard for their money. They are calculative. They drive a hard bargain. They save and are thrifty … but as I said, I have yet to meet a greedy Chinese.
As for greedy Malays, I have met plenty.
What the Malays want, what they take or steal, and what they keep for themselves is far beyond what they need and beyond what is fair. Is it because they think that nobody is losing given that they are only taking the government’s money?
Or is it because they know that they can take whatever they want and get away with it?
It is simply amazing. I am still trying to get my head around the vast sums of money that have been stolen/scammed/siphoned out or simply taken from our nation’s coffers by the Malays.
Hundreds of billions of ringgit … for what?
To make Malay public servants, Malay public officials and Malay politicians rich? To enable these politicians to buy political power? Was money used to do anything, to pay anyone, to bribe people or all for political gain? So that with political power they can continue to rob our nation with impunity?
How could these people who have been put in positions of trust think that they are free do what they want with our money?
And did they really think that nobody will ever know what they did? That they can get away with what they have done to Malaysia and Malaysians?
The richer these Malays got, the greedier they became. One Mercedes was never enough. One house was not enough. One tiara, one Hermes bag for the wife was never enough. Greed was good. Politics was the means to satisfy that greed. And once they got started, the sky was the limit.
Imagine that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) seized 1,400 necklaces, 567 handbags, 423 watches, 2,200 rings, 1,600 brooches, and 14 tiaras worth US$273 mil (RM1.23 bil) in raids on the houses of former Malaysian prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
I cannot get my head around Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (Najib’s wife) having 567 handbags. I cannot get my head around Najib having hundreds of million in his personal bank account. This reality of rich, greedy Malays is repeated over and over again.
Malays are known to be overflowing with ill-gotten gains stuffed in suitcases, kitchen cabinets, and even under beds. Surely, the only plausible explanation is that these Malays are greedy. And greed overcomes all other sensibilities.
Is greed among Malays endemic?
But what changed the Malays to be that greedy?
Was there something in the DNA of the Malays that made them easy prey for politics to suck them up into that vicious spiral that swallows them up and then spits on them to be greedier, more arrogant and “less Malay” than what the Malays had been during the pre-UMNO days?
Is it true that greed among the Malays has become endemic? If you are a Malay, then the presumption among other Malaysians – and even among other Malays – is that Malays are corrupt.
Is it true that greed among the Malays is systemic? Is it true that anywhere you find a Malay working, there will be corruption because such tendency is now in their DNA?
Is it true that Malays can be easily bribed whether they are the prime minister, minister or politician?
Where are the corrupt Chinese so that at least, the Malays will have competition – and at least the Malays will not look so bad! Aiyah … life is not fair lah! – March 10, 2023
Hussein Abdul Hamid who blogs under pseudonym “steadyku47” is a Malaysian who has been residing in Australia since the 1970s.
The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.