Young boy’s quick thinking in lift emergency saves his life; problem solving skills attributed to gaming

A YOUNG boy’s calm reaction and quick thinking in an elevator emergency has earned plenty of praise online, not least when shared on Malay news portal Sinar Harian’s X (formerly Twitter) platform.

It was originally reported on wire agencies that the incident happened on June 11 in Chongqing, China. The 11-year-old boy identified as Yuanyuan experienced a terrifying elevator malfunction that caused the elevator to plummet from the ninth floor to the third sub-basement level.

Despite the fear-inducing situation, the child remained composed, frantically pressing buttons to try and stabilise the situation. Then he half squatted, clinging his hands to the wall tightly.

He remained calm and carried out self-rescue during the more than one minute he was trapped. However, once home safely, the ordeal’s impact hit with the child burst into tears, according to his mother.

The post by Malay language news portal Sinar Harian (@SinarOnLine) with the brief CCTV clip has generated 1.3 million views at the time of writing and elicited plenty of comments with many praising the young lad’s calm approach to a dire situation.

One netizen shared of a similar horrifying experience when the lift he was in plunged from the 24th to the seventh floor.

Another applauded his speed of mind while urging everyone to learn from the young boy.

Another said his calmness was incredible as most people would panic and be screaming their lungs out when trapped in a fast-falling lift.

With another underlining the above observation about panicking.

Another said that most long-time high-rise residents would have mentally prepared for such scenarios.

A few helpfully shared tips of what to do if caught in a free-falling lift which was to lay flat on your back. One even included a video.

Interestingly, quite a few attributed the quick thinking to gaming, saying the activity promoted speedy problem-solving skills.

This post highlights a few life-saving lessons. It also seems to have unlocked a new phobia among certain netizens.

But this would eventually lead some to adopt a practical and healthier solution – take the stairs! – July 1, 2024

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