Adjusting to the workplace’s new norms, given the right technological equipment

WHILE the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred governments, financial institutions and brands into a frenzy, the trend of working dynamics were also affected, causing the need for physical offices to reduce.

In fact, a survey by Gartner Inc. revealed that 74% of businesses are now shifting to allow employees to work remotely on a permanent basis.

Even though the demand for physical offices is not expected to vanish entirely, it has certainly undergone massive amounts of digital transformation for businesses all around the world.

Those who are accustomed to the old ways may struggle to adjust to new working environments and methods at first. But as more consumers evolve to become more digitally-savvy, it is only natural for corporations to follow suit.

New behaviours that will transform the future

A virtual workforce

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, the technologies to support a more flexible working environment were already available.

But as companies prepare to make remote working into the new norm, the reliance on technology is higher than ever as individuals start to get the hang of collaborating, operating and communicating virtually.

Even after the global economy recovers from the pandemic, many believe that remote working will be a permanent fixture to the working culture.

The good news is, having a virtual workforce means saving costs for rental, on-premise technology spends and more.

Right tools needed

It goes without saying that employers practicing a virtual working environment would need the right equipment to support the employees to ensure productivity.

Office workers are used to having access to different types of technology. However, as they migrate to the home-based working environment, some workers may not enjoy the same level of access to essential hardware such as scanners or printers.

As such, it is essential that technologies that facilitate home office printing, scanning or labelling, are readily available.

E-commerce as a way of life

It’s evident that the pandemic has accelerated new e-commerce behaviours as consumers become more accustomed to the various platforms and will continue to conduct purchases online.

This shift in consumer behaviour point to the fact that technology will continue to play a significant role in the next normal environment.

Importance of sustainability

Sustainability awareness has also accelerated during the COVID pandemic.

This is due to the environmental and social factors that have been front and centre on the global stage, showcasing the need for companies to emphasise long-term sustainability over short-term profits.

Therefore, companies would need to provide the employees with options to conduct their work effectively while keeping in mind of the sustainability factor of the business.

In these unprecedented times, the future of work is changing rapidly and businesses need to be prepared. Even as people start to return to physical offices, its highly likely that workplaces will never be the same again.

Businesses need to take precautions through the implementation of safe distancing measures, as hygiene and social distancing continue to be a top priority for business owners, as well as employees. – Jan 23, 2021

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