Alarming rise in HIV +ve cases among M’sian undergrads sparks calls for campus-wide testing

IT was recently revealed that the number of varsity students testing positive for HIV is on the rise.

Last Wednesday (July 10), Higher Education Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir told the Dewan Rakyat that Health Ministry data showed a total of 214 students in public and private higher education institutions were infected with HIV in 2020, followed by a slight decrease of 186 cases in 2021.

However, the number increased again to 221 cases in 2022 and 244 (2023).

This news was widely reported in the media and also made its rounds on social media. The subject attracted a lot of opinion, not least the suggestion that all freshies be tested upon arrival at campus.

This was the feedback from the University of Malaya Student Union (KMUM) interim president Nazirah Abdullah, who pointed out that the spread of the disease had failed to be addressed at the campus level due to the lack of efforts to formulate policies and implement awareness programmes for students.

Nazirah contended that if affected students can be identified earlier, then the university can take measures to control the spread and provide guidance or counseling to them.

The above report was picked up by, which shared it on its X (formerly Twitter) platform (@TVPertiwi_MY).

The post by the site which focusses on Islamic content has generated 731.5K views at time of writing and many comments. This is a sample of what is being said.

The suggestion seemed like a common sense move and was roundly supported by many.

One netizen said that speedy action was required to avoid the problem placing too great a burden on the health system.

Another suggested that most students started “having fun” upon entering campus, not before. Hence greater education and dissemination of information is required alongside religious guidance to advise these youngsters who are probably away from the family nest for the first time.

With a few echoing this sentiment saying that it is the senior students as well as lecturers that needed testing.

Some netizens said greater awareness was required to educate the youth on the issue so that they do not discriminate towards HIV-positive individuals.

One netizen’s comment call for those testing positive to be identified very clearly highlighting the sort of ignorance and discrimination that exists.

With one netizen pointing out that such information was private and confidential.

Many netizens though were in favour of wider testing for all students and staff, not just freshies. They also advocated regular testing.

One netizen very pointedly highlighted how certain groups recoil at the very mention of ‘sex education’. Yet, isn’t prevention better than cure?

One netizen highlighted the extent of the problem with a startling statistic.

It is indeed a good suggestion though as pointed out by many netizens, the screening should not be limited to freshies just entering varsity.

The fact that it is being brought up in parliament is also an acknowledgement that, surprise, surprise, university students are a sexually active bunch.

This is a sticky problem as certain groups refusal to countenance sex education or encourage safe sex practices has contributed to this situation.

Hopefully, meaningful measures can be adopted without prejudice from the more conservative elements of Malaysian society, for whom this disease is a taboo subject. – July 13, 2024


PS: FocusM acknowledges that sexual relations isn’t the only way HIV is transmitted but it is obviously the crux of the issue here.


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