Coffeeshop owners disagree with ban on sale of cigarette and vape

Letter to Editor

THE Malaysia Singapore Coffee Shop Proprietors’ General Association (MSCSPGA) is disappointed with the Cabinet’s decision to pass the bill to ban the sale of cigarette and vape to anyone born after 2005.

This ban will have a direct impact on our members of more than 20,000 coffeeshop operators nationwide as the sales of these products make up significant revenues for our businesses.

In addition, the Health Ministry (MOH) did not provide details on how to execute this plan but it is likely that retailers are expected to check/verify the MyKad of customers.

Wong Teu Hoon

This is going to be very difficult as the customers are all adults and a lot of people will be sceptical to show their MyKad during any retail transaction.

The worst part is the fact that MOH did not even outline any proposal to address the illegal cigarette trade which makes up 60% of the cigarette sales in the market. In fact, illegal cigarettes are the real culprits that have caused many smokers to continue smoking.

Additionally, the proposal will force adult customers to turn to illegal traders who sell illegal products, hence further spurring the illegal trade. By right, MOH needs to come up with better enforcement to stop the illegal cigarette trade.

Only by stopping the illicit cigarette trade can the number of smokers in Malaysia be reduced.

MSCSPGA does not encourage smoking. As legitimate business owners, we do not support the illegal industry as it brings negative consequences to the country and rakyat. – July 21, 2022


Wong Teu Hoon is president of Malaysia Singapore Coffee Shop Proprietors’ General Association which was established in 1947. Currently, the association has over 45 affiliates and 20,000 members throughout Malaysia and Singapore. The primary role of the association is to protect the rights and businesses of its members.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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