Fusionex wins contract from logistics powerhouse

SINGAPORE: Multi-award-winning data technology specialist Fusionex has won a multi-year contract with a major international logistics conglomerate, in which it will utilise its state-of-the-art digital solutions to further enhance customer experience and achieve improved business insights.

The client is a decades-old logistics group with more than 350,000 employees in over 200 countries that provides integrated services and tailored, customer-focused solutions for managing and transporting letters, parcels, goods and information. In its commitment to tackle complex digital challenges, the client has chosen to partner with Fusionex to modernise its customer experience.

Fusionex will be providing cutting-edge solutions leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Automation to advance the client’s existing platform, logistics systems and daily operations, to name a few. An AI-powered virtual sales assistant will be made available to address customer requests, solve problems and manage shipment orders to create futuristic experiences – ones that are virtually fully automated.

The client will also incorporate Fusionex GIANT’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA), shifting its operations from reactive to proactive, as well as transforming its processes from manual to autonomous. This will allow customer shipment orders to be seamlessly integrated into the client’s back office system.

As the virtual assistant (VA) and AI platform are available 24/7, it will help the client stay responsive to incoming queries as well as manage a greater volume of customer interactions. In doing so, this will widen the funnel and increase the probability of converting visitors into customers.

Additionally, the VA and AI platform’s scalability, aided by Machine Learning, will allow it to handle hundreds of thousands of shipment orders at any given point in time.

“We are thrilled to be working with the client to help simplify, transform and integrate advanced digital technologies into their core operational ecosystem and processes. In this hyper-connected world where consumers expect immediate results, it is crucial that our client is able to prioritise their customers at the heart of their digital supply chain,” said Fusionex Group CEO Datuk Seri Ivan Teh. — April 10, 2020, Bernama

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