Netizens find restaurant’s signage on halal status hilarious

THAT a restaurateur has loudly proclaimed that his premises is “seriously non-halal” has elicited plenty of mirthful comments from netizens.

Posted on Meanwhile in Malaysia Facebook forum, the image of an unnamed restaurant’s front door with the notice has attracted 1,400 likes, 125 comments and shared 79 times at the time of writing.

Here is a sample of what was said with more than a few querying what prompted the business owner to place such a large sign on the door in the first place.

Some netizens suggested that the owner was just fed up with repeatedly being asked the same question.

More than one Muslim netizen also saw the funny side and promptly thanked the restaurant owner for his crystal-clear message.

Some surmised that this restaurant was serious about its porky business compared to other non-halal eateries.

Some alluded to the case of Pumba’s Nasi Kandar stall which was mired in controversy when certain groups said its clearly non-halal offerings could confuse customers.

Some netizens posited that the notice was a result of a previous incident that prompted the owner to display the no-nonsense signage.

One netizen even offered an alternative sticker to be made available for this as well as other eateries.

A couple of netizens pointed out that certain Muslim diners will still enter the premises if they spot hijab-clad staff. The signage is to deter such incidences.

A couple of netizens had identified the restaurant as Kung Fu Restaurant in Cyberjaya and jokingly warned others of severe consequences if customers did not heed the signage.

One netizen applauded the restaurant owner for making it very clear instead of the vague ‘pork free/no lard’ proclamations that seem to confuse Muslim diners.

While many of the comments were in jest or light-hearted, what does come across from the comments is that such clear declarations are preferred. Netizens also indicate that there should be no grey areas – either a restaurant is halal or it is not.

Meanwhile, kudos to this restaurant for clearly stating its status with a blindingly obvious sign. – March 4, 2024

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