PEOPLElogy Digital inaugurates skill-tech app Skillsture

GROUND-BREAKING skill-tech app Skillsture – which aims to prepare today’s generation with skills for the future – has recently been inaugurated by PEOPLElogy Digital. 

With its innovative and user-friendly mobile app features, learners will be able to access and learn a diverse range of highly in-demand skills such as big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and UI/UX design.  

The app also aims to solve the issue of a mass shortage of manpower in the IT and digital industries by equipping its users with the skills and knowledge to future-proof themselves and propel them towards securing a high-paying career in the job markets of said industries. 

Trainees who sign up with Skillsture app can easily follow through with its training contents, which are relatively interactive and condensed compared to lengthier courses, to help upskill learners without compromising the gist of what they would learn. These courses can be accessed at a more affordable rate too. 

PEOPLElogy Group founder and digital division chief Allen Lee believes that an addition to Skillture – short for “skills of the future” – will be fruitful for the organisation’s goal to expand its digitalisation efforts.  

“SKILLSTURE will be developing a web application to go along with its mobile app, on top of a popular live streaming platform,” he enthused. 

“We will also use other technology to integrate the system altogether for data analytics that we can use to further provide our users with information relevant to their careers, such as what to upskill themselves in, to be relevant in the industry.”  

Lee further noted that Skillsture will gamify virtual learning through a framework concept called “Skillstree”. 

“This framework will be able to map out an entire career pathway, including all the skills one needs to master that excel in a job. Currently, no establishment in our employment market has this,” he elaborated.  

Skillsture is the latest development of PEOPLElogy Digital, a subsidiary of PEOPLElogy Group. It is available for download on both Android and iOS devices. – Nov 30, 2022 

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