“Poisonous narrative”: Kit Siang needs to brush up his understanding of the Malay language

TAN Sri Lim Kit Siang could be having some language deficiency with the Malay language by demanding an apology and retraction from PAS’ secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan who has described as “poisonous propaganda” the retired DAP supremo’s claim that the Federal Constitution does not bar non-Malays from becoming a Prime Minister (PM).

PAS information chief Fadhli Shaari said the veteran lawmaker is not an individual without influence for he has two children who are MPs in Deputy Finance Minister (Lim Hui Ying) and former DAP secretary general (now chairman) Lim Guan Eng.

“What Kit Siang has uttered should not be considered a light matter for he has stated clearly that it was his dream to see a non-Malay become PM one day (even in the distant future),” penned the Pasir Mas MP in a Facebook post.

“Yes, the constitution does not specify Malay as a condition to become a PM but mentioning something that is not prohibited in the constitution doesn’t necessarily mean his action isn’t an incitement.”

Source credit: The Star

In a tit-for-tat reaction over Kit Siang’s statement, Fadhli said he, too, has the right to express the following opinions:

  • Chinese who are proven to be criminals and involved with secret societies must be subject to severe sentence as punishment.
  • Kit Siang must be detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) if it is proven that his statement was inciting and creating an atmosphere of unrest.
  • DAP must be banned if it is proven that it is a party that glorifies communism.

“Are the sentences above false facts? Of course not because they are preceded by the word ‘if’. But do they make a good narrative? Even to me, they should never be uttered.,” justified the former PAS Youth chief.

“What then was the purpose of Kit Siang highlighting the matter if he himself is sure it will not come true? That was his speech abroad that nobody noticed but why was it proudly displayed on his own social media account? As a provocation?”

Henceforth, Fadhli contended that the term “poisonous narrative” coined by Takiyuddin is very accurate for it is possible that this is actually “an ‘evil silent instruction to all DAP members and supporters”.

“The striking similarity between Kit Siang and the late Lee Kuan Yew (who are not cousins) is that both dream of Malaysian Malaysia becoming a reality. Unfortunately, some Malay leaders are becoming Si Kitul (traitor behind downfall of the Melaka Sultanate) by selling their own homeland for a soft seat in Putrajaya,” he added. – Dec 21, 2023

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