You gotta fight for your right … to PARTY!

Letter to editor

THE recent furore over an invite from the organisers of the Nottingham Malaysian Games (UK) to go clubbing reminded me of the Beastie Boy’s 1980s frat-boy anthem to bad behaviour – ‘You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party’.

Only this time it takes on a more serious note as Nottingham University undergraduate Aisyah has stirred the proverbial hornet’s nest.  For context, she uploaded a TikTok video berating the organisers for even suggesting an after-event party at a night club where gosh, drinking, dancing and having good time was the plan!

The Public Service Department (JPA)-sponsored scholar has recently received backing by Sinergi Gerakan Mahasiswi (SIGMA) – a female Muslim graduate body – that has commended her for her courageous action with regard to her rebuking the Nottingham Malaysian Games Programme.

Words like “wrongdoings”, “moral principles” and other judgmental terms were bandied about by SIGMA chairman Amal Hadaya Mohammad Sharifuddin. The organisation has since started a petition in support of Miss Goody Two Shoes.

There is just so much wrong with this entire episode. First of all, no one was forced to attend this shindig. Amal Hadaya alludes to “freedom of expression”. Hey, what happened to “freedom of choice”?

Keep opinion to yourself

As to unwholesome activities, SIGMA and Aisyah are proscribing to a very narrow view based on their cultural and religious beliefs.

As rightly pointed out by many netizens, having a jolly good time under the influence of alcohol is very much tradition among other cultures, not least among our brethren in East Malaysia as exemplified by our Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing.

In fact, I do think that socialising at a night club is far preferable to activities where another nation’s flag is denigrated or role playing as Jihadists in mock war games.

During my varsity years abroad – very often – non-Malaysian students and lecturers would be invited to join in events and festivities organised by the Malaysian Student Association.

Both SIGMA spokesperson and Aisyah speak of “inclusivity”. I’d like to know if such an invite would be extended to say, Jewish varsity mates or God forbid, students and lecturers who are openly gay.

Aisyah is perfectly entitled to her opinion. She also had the right to just say ‘No thanks’ instead of forcing her worldview onto others by playing whistle blower.

Maybe someone should start a petition against SIGMA’s to highlight that many Malaysians do not wish to be dictated by the likes of Aisyah and Amal Hadaya.

You gotta fight for your right to party, indeed….

P/S:  Don’t go crying about cyber bullying when the young lady saw fit to adopt a holier than thou attitude. It’d be naive in extremis to not see that was coming….


Disgusted Malaysian
Bandar Kinrara

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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