Mainstream Netizens trash Saravanan’s ‘threats’ to take action if not ‘recognised’ by Anwar 19/11/2023
Featured “DAP at cross-roads: Soon the Chinese, too, will realise there ain’t any future for non-Malays in PH” 19/11/2023
Mainstream Dr Zaliha assures introduction of overdue anti-smoking, vape control bill before Nov 30 19/11/2023
Featured “What Tun Mahathir sees as assimilation is akin to ethnic genocide – nothing more, nothing less” 19/11/2023
Featured Best to admit Palestinian refugees in the Peninsula for Sarawakians are not keen to house them 19/11/2023
Flaming truck on Putrajaya highway; netizens cheekily suggest it’s local version of Ghost Rider 4 hours ago