Gerakan head honcho caught on video snubbed a 2nd time, not accorded proper respect by PN ally PAS?

PRO-Pakatan Harapan (PH) netizens have apparently ticked off PAS for the latter’s ‘cold shoulder’ treatment to Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai by not inviting him to sit on the same row as ‘big brother cleric’ Tan Sri Hadi Awang in the aftermath of yesterday’s (June 22) Sungai Bakap state by-election nomination day.

This follows a viralled 32-second TikTok video clip briefly entitled “Gerakan president boycotted by PAS leadership” by OMG! My Media. Polling on July 6 would see a straight fight between PH-PKR’s candidate Dr Joohari Ariffin and Perikatan Nasional (PN)-PAS’s

The disrespectful gesture which left the head honcho of the party ‘without a MP” loitering momentarily prior to taking a seat at the back row has been chided by PH-slant social media influencer StratCommProBono (@StratcommPMX) as unbecoming of PAS which champions Islamic values.

“Such is the Islamic mannerism that PAS brings,” he commented on the video clip. “If this is TGNA (the late PAS spiritual leader Tan Sri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat), he would have got up to welcome and invite other leaders to sit together. That’s the kudwah hasanah (exemplary behaviour) of TGNA that people remember until now.”

Recall that in the run-up to the six states elections on Aug 12 last year, sympathy poured in for Lau following the dissemination of a video clip depicting he was asked to leave a PAS mega ceramah event in Sungai Dua in mainland Penang which was also attended by Hadi but was told to leave the venue before he got to meet Hadi

Subsequently, PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan issued an apology to the leader of its non-Malay/Muslim ally in Perikatan Nasional (PN) that the latter’s presence “should be accepted and appreciated as a guest based on Islamic morals and principles”.

Below are more worthy comments/observation (viewers’ discretion on language is sought) regarding the treatment accorded to Lau whose three-year senatorship – apparently on PN’s ticket – is ending on Nov 22 this year.

Gerakan members have turned up in full force to support PN’s candidate Abidin Ismail during yesterday’s (June 22) nomination day

They range from “it has been proven time and again that Gerakan has no place in the PN coalition” and “lightening having struck twice” to echoing the sentiment expressed by StratCommProBono. – June 23, 2024

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