Lorry driver slaps Puspakom staff after vehicle fails safety standards

AT A time when accidents involving heavy vehicles are racking up the death toll numbers on the road, perhaps security and safety measures should be enhanced.

Perhaps these virtues are being upheld by Pusat Pemeriksaan Kenderaan Berkomputer (Puspakom) Johor Bahru where a staff had purportedly failed a lorry for not meeting the safety standards.

However, the driver of the lorry didn’t take too kindly to it, as can be seen by the slap directed towards the staff as captured by the CCTV camera. 

Strangely, the staff did not retaliate to the physical assault even after an additional two more members came into the fray, perhaps to placate the lorry driver.

Netizens, however, were not so forgiving, calling for the Puspakom staff to either hit back or make an immediate police report to send the driver behind bars.

Netizen insignificant pleb said this happens because Puspakom has been known to being lenient. Now that Puspakom has to deal with many cases, they are making it a little tighter. 

Regardless, insignificant pleb said he would have retaliated if assaulted in such a manner.

Another added that the assaulter was likely the kind of person who solved problems by issuing bribes.

“To the person who got slapped, where is your sense of dignity? Hit him back. He will get worse because you don’t fight back,” he said.

“If you fail, then fail. What right do you have to slap people,” said syu.

The bulk of the comment section, however, called for the arrest of the lorry driver.

Note that Puspakom is a government-appointed organisation responsible for conducting mandatory vehicle inspections for all types of motor vehicles.

The inspections ensure that vehicles meet safety, environmental, and regulatory standards before they are allowed to be used on public roads.

No further information could be derived from the video or comment section, such as the location where the scene occurred or if the assaulter had been arrested by the authorities. —Jan 17, 2025


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