Mainstream Netizens compare Horizon Beranang Circuit to Kedah’s non-starter race track project 31/03/2024
Featured UMNO Youth chief: Since when is defending one’s religion from being insulted constitutes a crime? 31/03/2024
Featured Ramasamy: Saifuddin would have been forced to resign in other countries for failing to foil racial, religious tensions 31/03/2024
Featured How would Dr Akmal feel if his own clinic is suddenly a boycott target or worst, Molotov cocktail target? 31/03/2024
Featured Siti Kasim shoots down call for Bumiputera consumers to exclusively back Malay-owned biz 31/03/2024
Haily surpasses RM1b total contract value in on-going projects with latest RM89.90m contract win 9 hours ago